
Manage Arduino with your smartphone

ArduController can handle the electronic board Arduino, sending data to activate digital outputs or receiving data on the status of digital and analog inputs.

Connections: Ethernet/Wifi or Bluetooth

Widgets: Switch, push button, PWM, pin state, raw data, DHT, DS18B20, LM35, custom (you can customize the widget according to your needs).

The application also includes a set of connection schemes.

Download and install the ArduController library into your IDE, then load this sketch and use the ArduController app!

Tested with: Arduino Uno, Arduino Mega 2560, Arduino Leonardo + Ethernet Shield + Bluetooth HC-06


Download the ArduController library. Follow the example and create a plan for managing Arduino!

Watch the demonstration of the “ArduController” application to see how it works!


  • Arabic (Ibraheem Timary, Bishoy Reyad, Wadfur)
  • Chinese Simplified (ZuoPieFengZi, ChuJinKai, taotieren)
  • Chinese Traditional (Simba Chen)
  • Czech (Jax, TyphousCrane654)
  • Danish (Tomlauth)
  • Dutch (Support81)
  • English (Valentina Ragona)
  • Finnish (Demuxer)
  • French (Ettore Gallina, Dadav819, Tybo, Preah Un)
  • German (Andreas, Onkelzfan1990, Schriedels Dominik)
  • Hindi 
  • Indonesian (Farid Irwan, Sony Bejo, gendon, Samsul M)
  • Italian (Ettore Gallina)
  • Japanese (Yoshika Takada)
  • Macedonian (Vlatko Stankoski)
  • Persian (BlackFox, Amix, Nanaco, Ariush, Rasoul)
  • Polish (Skala, Adamszopki, JanTomasz, Dam)
  • Portuguese [BR] (Higor Costa)
  • Romanian (Daniel)
  • Russian (Nematom, Nikolay Budilov, Setaz213)
  • Slovak (mirob)
  • Slovenian (Triocoder Translations)
  • Spanish (Valentina Ragona)
  • Turkish (Citaxd, Murat YUMUŞAK)
  • Ukrainian (Andrey Kosenko, Rutar)
  • Vietnamese (Nguyễn Duy Trung)

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Beta version

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Enter the test program. If a beta version is available, your application will automatically update after a few hours. Warning: beta versions may be unstable and contain some bugs. Please contact if corrections are needed.