
apt (Commandline package manager)
dpkg (Debian package management system)
dpkg-query (Tool to show information about packages listed in the dpkg database)
grep (Utility for searching plain-text data sets)
python3 (Python library, interactive high-level object-oriented language)
tee (Command that reads from the standard input and writes to standard output and files)
cat (Command that reads data from the file and gives their content as output)
echo (Command that outputs the strings it is being passed as arguments)
touch (Command that creates new, empty files)
usermod (Command that modifies any attributes of a already created user account, used to add a user to a group)
id (Command used to find out user and group names and numeric ID’s (UID or group ID) of the current user)
openssh-sftp-server (SSH sftp server module for SFTP access from remote machines)
pinctrl (Tool for displaying and modifying the GPIO and pin muxing state of a system)

Info Raspberry Pi

awk (A pattern scanning and text processing language)
sed (GNU stream editor for filtering/transforming text)
hostname (Utility to set/show the host name or domain name)
vcgencmd (Utility that can get various pieces of information from the VideoCore GPU)
uptime (Command that returns information about how long your system has been running together with the current time, number of users with running sessions, and the system load averages)
lscpu (Command that allows you to list information about CPUs that are present in the system)
df (Command used to display information related to file systems)
ip (Command used for displaying current network configuration information)
ifconfig (Command used for displaying current network configuration information on old version of the RaspController app)
uname (Print system information)


python3-psutil (Library for retrieving information on running processes and system utilization)
/RaspController/ (created by RaspController)


top (Command used to show the Linux processes)
kill (Command used for terminating running processes on your system based on pid)
killall (Command used for terminating running processes on your system based on name)

Camera (Pi module)

vcgencmd (Utility that can get various pieces of information from the VideoCore GPU)
raspistill (Legacy command line tool for capturing still photographs with the camera module)
libcamera-still (A more complex still image capture application which emulates more of the features of raspistill)

Camera (USB)

fswebcam (Tiny and flexible webcam program)
v4l2-ctl (An application to control video4linux drivers)


python3-rpi.gpio (Python module to control the GPIO interface)
python3-libgpiod (Python module to control the GPIO interface)
/RaspController/ (created by RaspController)
/RaspController/ (created by RaspController)


modprobe (Commandline utility that allows you to add and remove modules from the Linux kernel)


i2c-tools (Use the command ‘i2cdetect’ to scan an I2C bus for devices)
python3-smbus (Python bindings for Linux SMBus access through i2c-dev)
/RaspController/ (created by RaspController)

Sense Hat

sense-hat (Sense HAT libraries)
/RaspController/ (created by RaspController)
/RaspController/ (created by RaspController)

Wake On Lan

wakeonlan (Sends ‘magic packets’ to wake-on-LAN enabled ethernet adapters)

Shutdown / Reboot

poweroff (Command used to shut down the device)
reboot (Command used to reboot the device)